Category: Nutritional Ketosis

Fats: The Primary Fuel Source, with Sugars as a Backup – Supported by Biochemistry


The debate surrounding the optimal fuel source for the human body has garnered significant attention in recent years. While some argue for the benefits of a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet, an alternative perspective suggests that fats are the primary fuel source, with sugars serving as a backup. In this article, we will present an argument highlighting the advantages of fats as the body’s main energy provider, supported by insights from biochemistry.

  1. Efficient Energy Release and Sustained Endurance:

Biochemically, fats offer a highly efficient energy source. When compared to carbohydrates, fats contain a higher number of carbon atoms and more than twice the number of calories per gram. Through a process called beta-oxidation, fatty acids are broken down into acetyl-CoA molecules, which enter the citric acid cycle (also known as the Krebs cycle) to produce energy-rich molecules such as ATP.

This metabolic pathway generates a greater amount of ATP per molecule of fat compared to carbohydrates, providing a sustained and long-lasting energy supply. The slow and steady release of energy from fats is particularly beneficial for endurance activities, allowing individuals to maintain performance over extended periods without relying on frequent carbohydrate consumption.

  1. Stable Blood Sugar Levels and Reduced Insulin Response:

Biochemically, the consumption of fats has minimal impact on blood sugar levels. In contrast, the rapid breakdown of carbohydrates, especially high-glycemic ones, leads to a surge in blood glucose levels. In response, the pancreas releases insulin to facilitate the uptake of glucose into cells, resulting in a temporary increase in energy levels.

However, the subsequent drop in blood sugar levels can lead to fatigue, cravings, and decreased performance. In contrast, fats provide a more stable and sustained release of energy without triggering significant fluctuations in blood sugar levels or requiring large insulin responses.

  1. Metabolic Adaptation: Ketosis and Fat Adaptation:

Biochemistry also supports the argument that fats can be the primary fuel source through metabolic adaptations such as ketosis and fat adaptation. When carbohydrate intake is limited, the body initiates ketogenesis, a process in which fatty acids are converted into ketone bodies (e.g., acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetone).

Ketones can cross the blood-brain barrier and serve as an alternative fuel source for the brain, reducing the need for glucose. This adaptation allows individuals to efficiently utilize fats for energy, leading to increased fat oxidation and a decreased reliance on carbohydrates.

Furthermore, long-term adherence to a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet can induce fat adaptation. This process involves upregulation of enzymes and transporters involved in fat metabolism, enhancing the body’s ability to derive energy from fats and improving endurance performance.


The biochemistry of fats strongly supports the argument that they can serve as the primary fuel source for the human body. Fats offer efficient energy release, sustained endurance, stable blood sugar levels, and the potential for metabolic adaptations like ketosis and fat adaptation.

While sugars and carbohydrates still have their place in our diet, considering fats as the primary fuel source, supported by biochemistry, can lead to numerous health benefits. It is essential to understand individual needs, goals, and potential underlying health conditions when determining the optimal macronutrient ratios. Ultimately, a balanced approach that prioritizes healthy fat sources and includes sugars as a secondary fuel source can promote overall well-being and performance.

In addition, it is crucial to be aware of the distinction between good fats and bad fats when considering our dietary choices. Good fats, derived from natural sources, provide nourishment and support overall health, while bad fats, commonly found in seed oils, can have negative implications for our well-being.

Good Fats: Include healthy fats in your diet from sources such as butter, tallow, ghee, coconut milk, coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil, fish oil, and eggs. These fats offer a range of health benefits, including essential nutrients, support for brain function, heart health, and reduced inflammation.

Bad Fats: On the other hand, it is advisable to limit or avoid the consumption of bad fats, particularly seed oils. These include oils such as canola oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, safflower oil, grapeseed oil, margarine, cottonseed oil, and peanut oil. These oils are often highly processed and contain high levels of omega-6 fatty acids, which can promote inflammation and imbalance in the body.

By being mindful of the types of fats we consume, we can make informed choices to support our overall health and well-being. Opt for good fats from natural sources while minimizing the intake of bad fats derived from seed oils. A balanced approach to fat consumption can contribute to an optimized diet and enhance our overall health.

Author: Dr. Stephen Fitzmeyer, M.D.

Physician Informaticist and Founder of Warp Core Health

Connect with Dr. Stephen Fitzmeyer:

Twitter: @PatientKeto


The Alarming Truth About Sugar and Carbohydrate Consumption in America


Sugar and carbohydrate consumption in the United States has reached staggering levels, posing a significant threat to public health. Over the past few decades, our diets have become inundated with excessive amounts of sugar and carbohydrates, leading to a host of chronic health issues. In this article, we’ll explore the shocking statistics behind sugar and carbohydrate intake in America and shed light on the detrimental effects they have on our well-being.

The Sugar Epidemic:

The United States holds the dubious distinction of having the highest average daily sugar consumption per person. Two hundred years ago, the average American consumed a mere 2 pounds of sugar annually. By 1970, that number skyrocketed to 123 pounds per year, and today, it has soared to nearly 152 pounds per year. To put it into perspective, that equates to a staggering 3 pounds (or 6 cups) of sugar consumed in just one week!

Carbohydrates: The Hidden Culprit:

It’s important to note that these figures only represent sugar intake and do not account for carbohydrates, which break down into sugar in our bodies. The average man in the United States consumes around 296 grams of carbohydrates daily, while women consume approximately 224 grams. To put this in terms of sugar, 296 grams of carbohydrates is equivalent to a staggering 70.7 spoonfuls of sugar, and 224 grams of carbohydrates is equivalent to 53.5 spoonfuls of sugar.

The Devastating Impact:

When we break down the numbers, the reality is alarming. Men consume an additional 4.5 cups of sugar per day through carbohydrates, resulting in a weekly sugar intake of 19 pounds. For women, the figures show an additional 3.3 cups of sugar per day, leading to a weekly sugar intake of 15 pounds. This means that in addition to the 152 pounds of sugar consumed per year, both men and women are ingesting significant amounts of hidden sugar through their carbohydrate intake.

Taking Control of Our Health:

The consequences of excessive sugar and carbohydrate consumption are dire. They contribute to a wide range of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and more. As a society, we must become more aware of the hidden sugars in our diets and make conscious choices to reduce our intake. This starts with reading labels, understanding the sugar content in the foods we consume, and making healthier substitutions.


The statistics surrounding sugar and carbohydrate consumption in America paint a concerning picture of our dietary habits. With the average American consuming an astonishing 152 pounds of sugar per year, coupled with high carbohydrate intake, our health is at serious risk. It’s crucial for individuals to take control of their own health by being mindful of their sugar and carbohydrate intake, making informed choices, and advocating for a healthier food environment.

Author: Dr. Stephen Fitzmeyer, M.D.

Physician Informaticist and Founder of Warp Core Health

Connect with Dr. Stephen Fitzmeyer:

Twitter: @PatientKeto


Unlocking Heart Health: Confronting the Metabolic Syndrome Epidemic Impacting 88% of American Adults

In the realm of heart health, cholesterol has long been in the spotlight. However, emerging research challenges the traditional understanding of cholesterol and its impact on cardiovascular issues. It’s time to take a closer look at the outdated science surrounding LDL cholesterol measurements and explore a fresh perspective on preventing chronic diseases like atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Metabolic Syndrome: The Real Culprit:
Rather than fixating solely on LDL cholesterol, it’s essential to understand the role of Metabolic Syndrome in the development of cardiovascular issues. Shockingly, an estimated 88% of adults in the United States suffer from or will suffer from chronic diseases associated with Metabolic Syndrome. This condition is caused by hyperinsulinemia, a result of the Standard American Diet rich in carbohydrates and sugars.

A Comprehensive Approach:
To effectively address Metabolic Syndrome, it’s crucial to measure and manage its individual components. These include A1C levels (average blood sugar), blood pressure, waist/height ratio, triglyceride levels, and HDL cholesterol levels. By focusing on these factors, you can make targeted lifestyle adjustments and mitigate the risk of developing atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

The Power of Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) Scans:
While LDL cholesterol measurements may be unreliable predictors, there is a valuable diagnostic tool: the Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) scan. This scan provides detailed images of the coronary arteries and identifies calcium deposits, which serve as early signs of coronary artery disease. By tracking your CAC score, you can accurately gauge your risk of heart disease and take appropriate action.

Understanding Your CAC Score:
A CAC score of 0 indicates no plaque detected, signifying a minimal risk of coronary artery disease. As the score increases, the risk also escalates. For instance, scores between 1 and 10 represent extremely minimal levels of calcium, while scores of 300 or higher suggest extensive plaque and a significantly elevated risk of heart attack. Achieving a CAC score of 0 should be the ultimate goal in your heart health journey.

Reversing Metabolic Syndrome:
To lower your CAC score and reverse Metabolic Syndrome, dietary changes are paramount. Adopting a low-carbohydrate approach while focusing on whole foods is key. Emphasize high-fat (75%), moderate-protein (20%), and low-carb (5%) choices. By eliminating or significantly reducing your intake of carbohydrates and sugars, you can optimize your metabolism and support overall heart health.

The Role of “Seed Oils” in Chronic Diseases:
In addition to dietary adjustments, it’s vital to avoid “seed oils” for optimal health. Oils like soybean, safflower, sunflower, and others were initially intended for industrial purposes, not human consumption. The introduction of these oils into the American diet coincided with a rise in obesity, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and other chronic diseases. Opt for healthier alternatives like butter, lard, and olive oil to protect your well-being.

Reconceptualizing Heart Disease and Type 3 Diabetes:
Research suggests a compelling connection between heart disease and undiagnosed diabetes. Furthermore, there is a growing movement to rename dementia and Alzheimer’s as Type 3 Diabetes, emphasizing the influence of carbohydrates and sugars on brain health. This new perspective challenges the conventional notion of a low-fat diet and opens the door to exploring the benefits of low-carb approaches.

Rethinking cholesterol and adopting a comprehensive approach to heart health is crucial. By understanding the significance of Metabolic Syndrome, prioritizing CAC scans, and making strategic dietary adjustments, you can optimize your cardiovascular well-being. Embrace the power of whole foods, eliminate harmful oils, and consider the connections between heart disease, diabetes, and carbohydrate consumption. By taking these steps, you can pave the way for a healthier heart and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Remember, it’s always essential to consult with your healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle. Together, you can tailor a plan that suits your specific needs and promotes optimal heart health.

Embrace the paradigm shift in understanding cholesterol and take charge of your cardiovascular well-being today. Your heart will thank you for it.

Dr. Stephen Fitzmeyer, M.D.
Physician Informaticist and Founder of Warp Core Health

Connect with Dr. Stephen Fitzmeyer:
Twitter: @PatientKeto

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